Customer Reviews
Rated 5 stars by Your Horse, twice!!
"Sporting his new MudRugs 50g rug, I'm so impressed with the fit and the coverage it gives... and it actually fits his neck which most full necks don't. Also has the bonus of a belly cover to keep him clean on wet muddy days and reasonably priced, so happy that we've ordered another one in the 200g - winter ready now!"
"I just wanted to say thank you for the most perfect rug!
We live in Scotland - it's very cold up here and I bought your rug which arrived two days later, it fits perfectly and my ex racehorse will be so cosy in it.
This is Dingo Dollar! Both very grateful, fantastic rug thank you so much."
"I've been using your rugs for a good few winters now - with two greys they're a lifesaver, especially for reducing stable stained tummys! I have 20g up to 300g to choose from!"
"Living in Orkney and dealing with 60mph+ winds and driving rain as a regular occurrence... my TB will be a lot more snug this winter.
So many rugs just don't fit him at the chest but this is perfect, all over! It's such great value and good quality. Love the belly cover feature... will keep more heat in hopefully.
He is mostly turned out so we need a proper good rug!! Couldn't beat this one on features and price. A happy customer!"
"My two boys Eddie and Miller with their 20g combos on with the belly piece 😁. Possibly the best rug I have invested in for the type of weather and ground conditions we get in the Shetland Isles!"
"Super happy with the MudRug, I was worried with him being 17'2 that it would come up like a mini skirt, but it's perfect!"
"With MudRugs and your integrated belly covers our horses are able to enjoy the paddock in the morning and still be ready for competing later that day. Particularly a challenge with a grey!"
We're so pleased to hear that top sport horses around the world are benefiting from increased turnout with our designs.

"William does not appreciate his belly being brushed, so I decided to try your rugs. I was so pleased with the fit that Oscar, my Thoroughbred, was given one shortly after!"

"MudRugs is the best fitting rug Jake has - he had just rolled before this photo and the rug hardly moved... plus it's saving time on grooming his girth and the reflective is great for dark mornings and evenings"